Hvordan sette karakterer når en skal vurdere bidrag til en wiki

Fra mailinglisten til IS-folket (mer spesifikt: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network ) har jeg sakset følgende innlegg om hvordan en skal bedømme bidrag til en wiki.

1) Grading criteria:

a) Structure and content: links within pages, professional look; ease of
navigation; navigational structure; logical structure; use of references

b) Content: quality; originality; interesting material; content integrated
across group members and across pages

c) Extent of collaboration: number of pages edited; number of comments;

2) One particular challenge we faced was how to determine the grade based
on actual member’s contributions. Despite being an overall collaborative
effort, we deemed it necessary to account for variations in contributions
in the grading of this assignment. Hence, we penalized members who
contributed far less or whose contributions came in at the last minute,
and we rewarded group leaders who emerged throughout the wiki project.

3) Tracking contributions (objective and subjective methods): from page
history, comments, etc. We asked for a group collaboration report
assessing the group’s contributions to each page (e.g., number of times
each page was edited, time elapsed between first and last edit, etc.), in
addition to a member’s report showing each member’s contributions. Also,
we asked the students to fill out a peer evaluation form to evaluate
their own as well as their group members’ efforts.

4/5) Class sizes averaged around 75 students per section, and we assigned
each section to groups of 4-5 members.

Shamel Addas
PhD Candidate in Information Systems
Desautels Faculty of Management
McGill University
1001 Sherbrooke Street West, Office 402
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1G5, Canada

Og her finner du et slideshow om bruk av wiki i undervisningssammenheng også. http://connect.educause.edu/Library/Abstract/UsingWikipediatoReenvisio/46449

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